Friday, August 29, 2008


I cannot stand when ppl are constantly telling me what to do in my life... Its like i know what i need to do.. Do you really expect me to purposely let oppurtunities pass me by so that i can fail at whatever it is that i wanna do. IDK maybe they are trying to help but i like help when i need it not when im doin fine.

day 2 of living in los angeles

Day Friggin 2
So day 1 was goin lovely. The clock struck 12 am on aug 27th and mayhem decided to walk with me throughout life. @ around 1230 am me and the bestest got lost in the crazy streets and freeways of LA which never would have happened if the freeway we catch to get home from our friends house wasnt closed like the idiot it is.. I mean really what good is a freeway if u cant use it.. Thats like seeing blue acid washed skinnies in your size and not buying them. Its just stupid. Anyway, we are lost fr 2 hours b4 we just decide that we arent goin to find our way home so we go bakc to our friends house where we came from. We spend the rest of the morning there. When we wake up and get back in the car we see that we now have a ticket.. Why didnt God tell us it was a street sweeping day.. I mean we were parked rught in front of a church the least he could have done was send us a memo. So we say forget it and we are determined to have a good day. So we head to Hollywood Blvd. We get approched by some random black girl with an awful perm (btw her perm wasnt necessrily awful but i just dont like perms) and she asks us if we wanna go to a Jeezy concert and of course we down because it was free. So the concert was crackin and we decided to stay for the whole thing dispite the fact that our meter would run out 30 min into the thing and we would probably receive a ticket.. When we went searchin for our car we couldnt remember what street we had parked on because we didnt see the car on the street we remember parking on. Finally we realize we were parked in a tow-away zone. We call the kidnappers and we find out that it was gonna take $187.20 to get the shit.. excuse me.. the car out for ransom. So we did the only sane thing anyone would do in this situation... We called an aunt.. she paid to get the car out that night but not b4 she asked the ppl with the straightest face "why yall be taking cars and making ppl buy them back???" it was hilarious and i almost died from laughter. The moral of the story is always pay attention to street signs because they get revenge if u dont..